Form International developed VCS carbon certification for MLR Forestal, a Nicaragua-based reforestation company planting mixed teak and cacao on degraded lands.
Our role
Form International realized a Carbon Quickscan assessing the feasibility of a carbon certification, and subsequently developed the technical VCS documentation for the project up to project validation and verification (including audit guidance).
Link to project in the VERRA registry: https://registry.verra.org/app/projectDetail/VCS/2365.
Article on company’s website: https://mlr.com.ni/proyecto-de-captura-de-carbono-de-mlr-forestal-en-fase-de-consulta-publica/
- VCS certification of 2,315.71 ha of restored and protected forest land (AFOLU)
- Elaborated Project Design Document (PDD) and Emission Reduction Removal sheet
- Validation by external auditor of project for capturing 1,046,688 tCO2eq
- Verification by auditor, resulting in a first emission of 17,680 tCO2eq VCUs
- Quickscan assessing most appropriate carbon certification scheme
“MLR Forestal received the technical support of Form International to structure and present the project for carbon certification in its Teak and Cacao plantations and some sites destined for conservation that met the characteristics of the standard. The process included an extensive component of the environmental and social management of the company. Form’s advice further enriched our experience in these areas. The formulation of the project was particularly complex since Form’s consultancy was carried out remotely due to the pandemic, and because, in November 2020, hurricanes Eta and Iota hit the North Caribbean region of Nicaragua, where our forest plantations are located; however, largely thanks to Form’s availability, knowledge and professionalism, we were able to present the project for the certification of carbon capture in our plantations.“