PBL developed IMAGE, an ecological-environmental model framework that simulates the environmental consequences of human activities worldwide.
It represents interactions between society, the biosphere and the climate system to assess sustainability issues such as climate change, biodiversity and human well-being. The model also contains forest and forestry issues.
Our role
Form international conducted several studies that served as input and further upgrading of the IMAGE model.
These studies related to degraded forest ecosystems, carbon sequestration under different forest management scenarios, recovery of soil organic carbon, costs and benefits of reforestation and the global forest characteristics around the year 1970.
Estimation of global recovery potential of degraded forest areas
Recovery of Soil Organic Carbon in Forest Restoration
- Estimation of global recovery potential of degraded forest areas
- Recovery of soil organic carbon in forest restoration
- Costs and Benefits of reforestation at a global scale
- Global forest characteristics in 1970